TOGAF® Intensive Program (EA Practitioner)

This training program is based on the togaf standard, 10th edition – the latest and most up-to-date edition released by the open group.

TOGAF® Intensive Program (EA Practitioner)

The TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner certification provides validation that an individual has the knowledge, comprehension, and ability to analyze and apply the TOGAF Standard to developing, sustaining, and using an Enterprise Architecture.

The learning objectives at this level focus on application and analysis in addition to knowledge and comprehension.

Certified individuals will have demonstrated their understanding of:

  • The context within which an Enterprise Architecture practitioner must operate
  • How to apply the stakeholder management technique
  • How to implement the Architecture Vision phase including its applicable techniques
  • How to implement the Architecture Development Method (ADM) Phases B, C, and D to develop an
  • architecture, together with the applicable techniques
  • How to implement the ADM Phases E, F, and G to implement an architecture, together with the
  • applicable techniques
  • How to implement Architecture Change Management
  • How to manage architecture requirements
  • How to use The Open Group Library
  • How to support the ADM work with applicable techniques
  • Using architecture levels to organize the Architecture Landscape
  • The Architecture Content Framework

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise Architecture practitioner understand the context within which they must operate.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain why guiding effective change is the purpose of Enterprise Architecture.
  • Explain what an Enterprise Architecture looks like.
  • Explain what an Architecture Capability is.
  • Explain the role of Architecture Governance and the role of an enterprise architect.
  • Explain Architecture Compliance, levels of conformance, reviews, and the role of the architect.
  • Explain how an architecture enables alignment to organizational objectives using Agile development as an example.
  • Explain the need to manage multiple architecture states (e.g., candidate, current, transition, target).
  • Briefly explain Enterprise Security Architecture.
  • Explain how security is a cross-cutting concern.
  • Explain why it is important to create an environment in which uncertainty of the success of change can be managed to optimize maximum business benefit and minimum business loss.
  • Briefly explain the role of the Enterprise Architect and Enterprise Architecture in a Digital enterprise for four contexts of the DPBoK Standard.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply Stakeholder Management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain how to identify stakeholders, their concerns, views, and the communication involved.
  • Explain the use of architecture views.
  • Explain how to manage stakeholders’ engagement and requirements.
  • Explain how to use trade-off to support the architecture development.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to execute the Architecture Vision phase and applicable techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain how to identify the information necessary to execute the Architecture Vision phase and how iteration cycles will provide more information to take into account in order to execute the phase.
  • Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work:
    • Scope of the Architecture Project
    • Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements
    • Business goals, business drivers, and constraints
  • Describe a security-specific architecture design to be carried out that is sufficient.
  • Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work:
    • Statement of Architecture Work
    • Architecture Vision
    • Communications Plan

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to develop the architecture (Phases B, C, and D) and useful techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the steps applicable to all phases.
  • Explain risk and security considerations during the architecture development.
  • Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development:
    • Business principles
    • Business goals
    • Business drivers
  • Explain how to apply Phase B and how it contributes to the architecture development work.
  • Explain the information that is relevant to Phase C (Data and Applications) to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development.
  • Explain how to apply Phase C and how it contributes to the architecture development work.
  • Explain the information needed in Phase D to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development.
  • Explain how to apply Phase D and how it contributes to the architecture development work.
  • Explain the outputs of Phases B, C, and D necessary to proceed with the architecture development work.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to implement the architecture (Phases E, F, and G) and useful techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the risk and security considerations for the three Phases (E, F, and G).
  • Describe the steps (Phase E) to create the Implementation and Migration Strategy.
  • Describe three basic approaches to implementation.
  • Explain how to identify and group work packages.
  • Explain how to create and document Transition Architectures.
  • Explain the impact of the migration projects on the organization and the coordination required.
  • Explain why and how business value is assigned to each work package.
  • Describe how to prioritize the migration projects (Phase F).
  • Describe how to confirm the Architecture Roadmap (Phase F).
  • Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture implementation work.
  • Explain the inputs to Phase G.
  • Explain how the Implementation Governance is executed (Phase G).
  • Explain the outputs necessary to support Architecture Governance.
  • Explain how Architecture Contracts are used to communicate with implementers.
  • Explain how to balance opportunity and viability.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand Architecture Change Management and the relation to Stakeholder Management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the inputs triggering change management:
    • Change Requests
  • Explain the activities necessary for effective change management (Stakeholder Management).
  • Explain the outputs relevant to proceed.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply the process of managing architecture requirements and the relation to Stakeholder Management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the inputs that can feed the Requirements Management phase.
  • Explain how the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM phase steps.
  • Explain the purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management.

The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to implement the architecture (Phases E, F, and G) and useful techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe how The Open Group TOGAF Library can be used to support the practitioner’s work.
  • Briefly explain the business scenario technique.
  • Explain the purpose of compliance assessments.
  • Explain how migration planning techniques are used to review and consolidate the gap analysis results from earlier phases.
  • Describe how a repository can be structured using the TOGAF repository as an example:
    • Architecture Landscape
    • Reference Library
    • Standards Library
    • Governance Repository
    • Architecture Requirements Repository
    • Solutions Landscape
    • Enterprise Repository
  • Explain what to expect in a well-run Architecture Repository.
  • Explain how the concepts of Architecture Levels are used to organize the Architecture Landscape.
  • Explain the different levels of architecture that exist in an organization.
  • Explain at which level an architecture is being developed and the associated level of detail expected.
  • Explain the role of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and when they are used.
  • Briefly explain the guidelines and techniques that can be used during the Business Architecture phase:
    • Applying business capabilities
    • Applying value streams
    • Applying the organization map
    • Applying information mapping
    • Applying modeling techniques
  • Explain the technique of gap analysis and where it can be applied.
  • Explain how iteration can be used in architecture practices.
  • Describe how the Implementation Factor Catalog can be used:
    • Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix
    • Architecture Definition Increments Table
  • Explain the need for a content metamodel/modeling and how it relates to the ACF.
  • Explain when the ACF needs to be filled throughout the ADM cycles.
  • Describe the usage of an enterprise metamodel using the TOGAF Enterprise Metamodel as an example.
  • Explain the use of a taxonomy.
  • Explain how risk assessment can be used.

Certification is only achieved by passing the two examinations, either taken separately or together as a
combined examination.

Our promise is simple – to deliver the guidance you need to ace the test.

Examination Name: TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 1 (Exempt if the Candidate has achieved certification for TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation)
Examination Type: Multiple-choice examination. 40 questions/60 minutes
Pass Mark: 24/40 (60%)
Supervised: Yes
Open Book: No
Delivery Options: Two options are available for participants to take their tests:
1. Pearson VUE test centers.
2. At your home or in your office using Online Proctored delivery.
Examination Name: TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2
Examination Type: Complex multiple-choice scenario-based examination. 8 questions/90 minutes
Pass Mark: 24/40 (60%)
Supervised: Yes
Open Book: Yes
Delivery Options: Two options are available for participants to take their tests:
1. Pearson VUE test centers.
2. At your home or in your office using Online Proctored delivery.
  • Fully accredited by the Open Group
  • Access to faculty to clear the last of your doubts
  • Free Exam voucher
  • Free resit
  • Quizzes at the end of each topic
  • Practice exams to help you prepare for the exam
  • Assignments to help you demonstrate your understanding
  • Fact-sheets and e-flashcards to help with practiced information retrieval
  • There are no prerequisites for this certification for candidates taking the two examinations or the Combined Part 1 and Part 2 examination.
  • If a candidate has achieved certification for TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation or passed the Part 1 section of the Combined Part 1 and Part 2 examination, then they need only take the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 examination.
  • Candidates who have achieved the TOGAF 9 Certified qualification can achieve certification via the bridge learning path (see the separate datasheet for more information)
  • Individuals expected to apply the TOGAF approach to develop, sustain, and transform domain architectures
  • Individuals actively contributing to organizational transformation
  • Individuals working in Agile environments who need to understand and apply Enterprise Architecture using the TOGAF Standard
  • Individuals who wish to become qualified as part of their professional development

Certified individuals will have demonstrated their understanding of:

  • The context within which an Enterprise Architecture practitioner must operate
  • How to apply the stakeholder management technique
  • How to implement the Architecture Vision phase including its applicable techniques
  • How to implement the Architecture Development Method (ADM) Phases B, C, and D to develop an architecture, together with the applicable techniques
  • How to implement the ADM Phases E, F, and G to implement an architecture, together with the applicable techniques
  • How to implement Architecture Change Management
  • How to manage architecture requirements
  • How to use The Open Group Library
  • How to support the ADM work with applicable techniques
  • Using architecture levels to organize the Architecture Landscape
  • The Architecture Content Framework

Certified individuals will have the following competencies:

  • A common language with TOGAF practitioners
  • A basic understanding of the TOGAF approach for Enterprise Architecture, including Agile delivery and application in a Digital enterprise
  • The prerequisite qualification for becoming a TOGAF ® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner
  • Voucher for the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner (Part 2) Test
  • Free resit if you don’t pass
  • Copies of training material
  • Practice tests
  • TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Learning Studies Question and Answer Book. These Learning Studies support the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner certification program. They are presented in book form as a set of eighteen scenario questions. The scenarios provides active learning in the form of problem-based learning to reinforce aspects of the syllabus taught in the class.
  • A qualified, competent and experienced instructor

This course is delivered across 3 days with the included certification test.

bonus: Applied TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Open Badge

Included is the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Learning Studies. This is a mandatory element of the training. Candidates who become certified and who also satisfactorily complete these learning studies will in addition earn The Open Group Certified: Applied TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Open Badge to reflect their ability to analyze and apply Enterprise Architecture.

TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Learning Studies Question and Answer Book are included in the training delivery.

Earning this badge reflects the ability to analyze and apply Enterprise Architecture.

  • These Learning Studies support the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner certification program.
  • They are presented in book form as a set of eighteen scenario questions. The scenarios provides active learning in the form of problem-based learning to reinforce aspects of the syllabus taught in the class.
  • Worked solutions and detailed explanations are provided in a separate answers book.
  • It is recommended to spend at least three hours on this set of learning studies.

EA teams worldwide are using the TOGAF standard to deliver sustainable competitive advantage, create value, improve operations, and adapt new technology.

accredited by the open group

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